Inglês, perguntado por renancross30, 8 meses atrás

Preciso pra hoje,se alguém souber me ajuda aí
4- Complete com was ou were

A)That man over there...........asking about the house

BjMy grandfather.........watching play

C)You see, the boys .........trying to playing soccer.

D) I think Amanda .........running.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Pipocadoce1579

Resposta: A) was

B) were

C) were


Explicação: espero ter ajudado!!

Respondido por isaumpouquitoburra

Olá! Was e were são as flexões do verbo to be no passado.

A flexão was é usada com os pronomes I (eu), he (ele), she (ela), it (utilizado para fazer referência a pessoas, animais, lugares e/ou objetos).

Já a flexão were é usada com os pronomes you (você), we (nós), you (vocês) e they (eles/elas).

Desta maneira, temos:

A)That man over there WAS asking about the house

B)My grandfather WAS watching play

C)You see, the boys WERE trying to playing soccer.

D) I think Amanda WAS running.

Espero ter ajudado!

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