Inglês, perguntado por juliapleite1705, 7 meses atrás

Preciso para até terça, quem puder ajudar agradeço

Transforme as seguintes frases afirmativas em sentenças interrogativas e negativas. Veja o exemplo:

Simone drives well
» Does Simone drive well?
» Simone doesn´t drive well.

Lucas travels every month.

The microwave makes noise.

I and Lisa know how to do it.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nicolesb76


Lucas travels every month.

» Does Lucas travels every month?

» Lucas doesn't travel every month.

The microwave makes noise.

» Does the microwave make noise?

» The microwave doesn't make noise.

I and Lisa know how to do it.

» Do I and Lisa know how to do this?

»​ I and Lisa don't know how to do this.

juliapleite1705: obrigado, meu amor
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