Preciso desse texto traduzido pro inglês correto, e pra um trabalho de inglês que tenho q entreguar amanhã e N posso usar o google. O texto e esse: "Ao casar-se, Vênus estava apaixonada por Marte (deus da guerra), com quem traia seu marido Vulcano. Apolo (deus da luz) revelou a traição de Vênus a Vulcano, que preparou uma armadilha para os amantes e os flagrou. Ao contrário do que esperava Vênus, Marte a abandonou. Enfurecida, Vênus transformou seu amor em ódio, e contra Marte lançou uma maldição. A partir de então, Marte se apaixonaria por toda e qualquer mulher que avistasse."
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Ta ai amiga :) :
When she married, Venus was in love with Mars (god of war), with whom her husband betrayed Vulcan. Apollo (god of light) revealed the betrayal of Venus to Vulcan, who set a trap for lovers and caught them. Contrary to what Venus was expecting, Mars abandoned her.Enraged, Venus turned her love into hatred, and against Mars he made a curse, and from that time Mars would fall in love with every woman he saw. "
When she married, Venus was in love with Mars (god of war), with whom her husband betrayed Vulcan. Apollo (god of light) revealed the betrayal of Venus to Vulcan, who set a trap for lovers and caught them. Contrary to what Venus was expecting, Mars abandoned her.Enraged, Venus turned her love into hatred, and against Mars he made a curse, and from that time Mars would fall in love with every woman he saw. "
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