preciso de uma lista com verbos irregulares (irregular verbs) se der com tradução, obg..
Soluções para a tarefa
to awake awoke awoken (acordar, despertar-se)
to be was/were been (ser, estar, ficar)
to beat beat beaten (bater, superar, vencer, derrotar, espancar)
to become became become (tornar-se)
to begin began begun (começar, iniciar)
to bet bet bet (apostar)
to bleed bled bled (sangrar)
to break broke broken (quebrar)
to bring brought brought (trazer)
to build built built (construir)
to choose chose chosen (escolher)
to come came come (vir)
to cost cost cost (custar)
to draw drew drawn (desenhar, traçar, puxar, arrastar)
to dream dreamt / dreamed dreamt / dreamed (sonhar)
to drink drank drunk (beber)
to drive drove driven (dirigir, guiar)
to eat ate eaten (comer)
to fall fell fallen (cair, desaguar, abater-se, decrescer, diminuir)
to feed fed fed (alimentar, nutrir)
Resposta:são aqueles que se afastam do modelo de conjugação, apresentando alterações no radical ou nas desinências.