Inglês, perguntado por Wladzinn, 1 ano atrás

Preciso de uma carta sobre a fauna brasileira em inglês

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por GabPensador


Minister of State for the Environment

The conservation of the Brazilian ichthyofauna has for decades been one of the great challenges for

institutions of the country. Several warnings have been given about the impact of fishing

disorder and fragility of public management in the sector and those resulting from

threats of species extinction. Our seas and rivers are no longer full of fish like

before! Society does not understand the meaning of this and continues to consume all kinds of

fish without thinking much about it! Small-scale fishing has become

industry, which armed technologies capture without criteria and in an unsustainable way

fueling an ever-increasing global consumption. The scenery is black, for rivers,

seas, fish and next generations.

In the midst of all this context, we welcome the New List of Species of the Brazilian Fauna

Threatened by Extinction (MMA Regulations 444/2014 and 445/2014). We salute the firmness

with which other fish species have been included, on the basis of technical and

in the light of an internationally recognized methodology. For some

species, perhaps it was late. The delay in acting may have sealed its end. For

has reached the time limit, bringing the necessary seriousness that also requires accelerating

other important steps in biodiversity management planning, public control,

participation and social agreements.

We consider the new Threatened Species List an important tool for

establish limits and bring about new approaches to sustainability. We

We consider the methodology, the knowledge contributed to the process and the capacity of

researchers and technicians fully adequate to support the decision

who came in, left or left the List. We undoubtedly want this

List serves your purpose. We make your defense here against anyone who

we want to go back and rely on this Ministry, with renewed strength. But we challenge,

immediate progress in fisheries statistics, action plans for

conservation of species, in management plans and fisheries agreements, in the strengthening of

technical bases and management policies, in participatory decision-making processes that are

indispensable for the sustainability of the use, for conservation.

Perguntas interessantes