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Easter is an important celebration of the Christian church in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
According to the Christian calendar, Easter consists of the closing of the so-called Holy Week. In Catholicism, Easter celebrations begin on "Holy Thursday" with the Lord's Supper Mass. Then on "Good Friday" is celebrated the crucifixion of Jesus. "Easter Sunday", which celebrates its resurrection and the first appearance to its disciples, closes the Easter celebrations.
Easter is classified as a mobile party, as well as all other festivities that are related to this date, such as Carnival, for example.
The commemoration of Easter, however, is usually between the days of March 22 to April 25.
Easter is celebrated in several countries, especially those with strong influences of Christianity. The Spaniards call the date of Easter, the Italians of Pasqua and the French of Pâques.
Etymologically, the term Easter originated from the Latin Pascha, which in turn derives from the Hebrew Pesach / Pesach, meaning "the passage".