Inglês, perguntado por nicole2907, 7 meses atrás

Preciso de um diálogo em inglês entre duas pessoas com 20 frases, não contando com oi e tchau, só que é pra amanhã e eu não estou conseguindo fazer, alguém me ajuda? Por favor , não responda um "boa tarde" apenas pelos pontos. ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Make a dialogue

James : Hi, Tom, how are you?

Tom     : Hi, James, I'm ok and you?

James : I'm good, thanks. Where have you been?

Tom     : I was in Rio de Janeiro for two months.

James : Really? Why did you go there?

Tom     : I was working there. A new client.

James : Wow... Amazing!

Tom     : Yes, it was. I met a lot of people there.

James : How was the weather  there?

Tom     : It was too hot. Around 32C every day. It was not easy to work.

James : Wow... but it´s better than being in a cold place, isn't it?

Tom     : Sure it is. We had air conditioned all around.

James : Did you visit many touristic places?

Tom     : Yeah, I went to Corcovado, Sugar Loaf and visited some beaches. I got red on the first days.

James : I know, you are not used to it.

Tom     : But it was a nice time there.

James : Did you visit any Brazilian restaurant?

Tom     : Yes, I ate some different food. It was really delicious.

James : How about Brazilians? Are they friendly?

Tom     : Yes, I made a lot of friends and invited them to come to visit me as soon as they can.

James : It will be great... I would like to meet your new friends.

Tom     : Sure, maybe they will come in January.  They said they want to see the snow here.

James : Ohhh they don't have snow in Brazil, do they?

Tom     : They do, but only in the South and it´s not common.

James : Well, I've got to go now, Tom. My UBER just arrived.

Tom     : Ok, James. Hope to see you soon. Bye.

James : Bye, Tom.

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nicole2907: Sério, muito obrigado, vc me salvou
CremildaBR: ;)
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