Cartas para Julieta
Sophie e Victor viajam à Verona palco da história Romeu e Julieta para uma pré lua-de-mel. Só que Victor está mais interessado em fazer contatos para seu futuro restaurante em Nova York, enquanto Sophie se distrai com um grupo de voluntárias que responde cartas endereçadas a Julieta, procurando conselhos amorosos. Enquanto ajuda as voluntárias, ela encontra uma carta escrita em 1957 de uma senhora chamada Claire. Sophie responde à carta. Claire acompanhada de seu neto Charlie vão à Itália e tentam encontrar Lorenzo, o verdadeiro amor de Claire.
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Para Ingles é assim:Letters to JulietSophie and Victor travel to the Verona stage of Romeo and Juliet's story for a pre-honeymoon. Except that Victor is more interested in making contacts for his future restaurant in New York, while Sophie distracts with a group of volunteers that responds letters addressed to Julieta, looking for loving advice. While helping the volunteers, she finds a letter written in 1957 from a lady named Claire. Sophie responds to the letter. Claire accompanied by her grandson Charlie they go to Italy and they try to find Lorenzo, the true love of Claire.
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Good afternoon!
Espero ter ajudado!!
Letters to Juliet
Sophie and Victor travel to Verona Romeo and Juliet story phase for a pre honeymoon. Except that Victor is more interested in making contacts for his future restaurant in New York, while Sophie distracts with a group of volunteers that responds letters directed to Julieta, looking for loving advice. While offering, she finds a letter written in 1957 from a call named Claire. Sophie responds to the letter. Claire followed her name, Charlie goes to Italy and tries to find Lorenzo, Claire's true love.
Espero ter ajudado!!
Letters to Juliet
Sophie and Victor travel to Verona Romeo and Juliet story phase for a pre honeymoon. Except that Victor is more interested in making contacts for his future restaurant in New York, while Sophie distracts with a group of volunteers that responds letters directed to Julieta, looking for loving advice. While offering, she finds a letter written in 1957 from a call named Claire. Sophie responds to the letter. Claire followed her name, Charlie goes to Italy and tries to find Lorenzo, Claire's true love.
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