Inglês, perguntado por kezynha320, 8 meses atrás

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Mahalvess
1. a-)they have to break a barrier between them
b-)she has to wear more expensive clothes
c-)we have finally realized how charismatic he has been
d-)he has finally found himself as an individual
e-) the group have to offer a world of inspiring new possibilities to the young

2. a-) I haven’t finished my lessons
b-) she hasn’t lied to you
c-) they haven’t bought a new car
d-) she hasn’t made a mistake
e-) you haven’t done the housework

3. a-) have you seen him lately?
b-) has she never set the table properly ?
c-) have i helped people find themselves
d-) have the beatles broken many rules?
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