Inglês, perguntado por nicolasdesouza28, 7 meses atrás

preciso de ajuda...​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por soaresvivii


1 - N: I didn't walk to school.

     I: Did I walk to school?

2 - N: The car didn't stop at the traffic lights.

      I: Did the car stop at the traffic lights?

3 - N: The boys didn't play chess.

      I: Did the boys play chess?

4 - N: I didn't talk to Andrew.

      I: Did I talk to Andrew?

5 - N: Michael didn't work till late.

      I: Did Michael work till late?

6 - N: The baby didn't cry all night.

      I: Did the baby cry all night?


Na negativa, traga o verbo que está no passado (ex: walked) para a sua forma no infinitivo (ex: walk) e adicione o 'didn't' antes do verbo.

Na interrogativa, adicione o 'did' no início da frase, antes do sujeito e também traga o verbo que está no passado para a sua forma no infinitivo.

Respondido por gigipitta2505



Negativo- I don't walked to school

Interrogativo-  Did i walk to school?


Negativo- The car did not stop at the traffic light

Interrogativo- Did the car stop at the traffic lights?


Negativo- The boys do not play chess

Interrogativo- Do boys play chess?


Negativo- I didn't speak to Andrew

Interrogativo- Did I talk to Andrew?


Negativo- michel didn't work late

Interrogativo- Did Michel work late?


Negativo- the baby didn't cry all night

Interrogativo- Did the baby cry all night?

não sei se esta tudo certo mas fiz com carinho, Espero ter ajudado

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