Preciso de ajuda!
1. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas das frases a seguir:
- The window was open and a bird ___________ into the room.
- I __________ a lot of money yesterday. I __________ an expensive dress.
a) flyed - spend / buyed
b) flew - spent / bought
c) was flew - spent / buy
2.The negative form He sold his car last week is:
a) He didn’t sold his car last week
b) He didn’t selled his car last week
c) He didn’t sell his car last week
3. Marque o “past tense” de SPEND, LEAVE e KNOW:
a) spended – left – knew
b) spent – left – knew
c) spended – leaved – known
4 .What is the simple past of the following verbs, respectively?
a) hurted, betted, shaked;
b) hurt, bet, run, shaked;
c) hurt, bet, ran, shook;
5.Qual do grupo de palavras possui somente verbos no passado?
a) loved, dancing, read, drink
b) saw, went, spoke, left
c) taller, dirty, spoke, lead
6 .A Better World
I woke up one day
and I saw that things were not the same.
I heard the cars making a noise
I saw the streets no place for toys.
I made a plea, do something with me,
because it’s not a simple thing:
our lives are in danger
and we want a better world to live in.
Annita Theodorou
The base forms of the verbs ( woke, saw, heard, made) in the past in the poem are, respectively:
a) awake, see, hears and make.
b) woke, seed, heared, make
c) wake, see, hear and make.
7.When Barbara __________ home last night she __________ so tired that she ________ straight to her bedroom and __________ asleep.
Assinale a alternativa correta que preenche as lacunas da frase acima.
a) arrived; was; went; felt.
b) arrived; is; went; fall.
c)arrived; was; went; fell.
8.Escolha a alternativa correta que completa os espaços do texto:
Emily Carr, British Columbia's most famous artist, ________ (be) born in 1871.
Her parents______ (die) when she was still a teenager. She ______(study) art in San Francisco and Paris, but when she____ (come) back to Victoria, she_____ (keep) a house called "The House of All Sorts", where she ________(be) the landlady.
Many years later, she ______(begin) painting again. To find subjects for her paintings, she _________(take) trips into the forests of British Columbia, and she often_________ (meet) with the First Nations people and___________ (paint) them too. Emily Carr also ___________(write) several books, and she____________ (win) the Governor General's Award for one of them.
a) was - dieded - studied - come - kept - was – began - tooked – meted - painted - wrote - won
b) been - died - studied - come - kept - been – began - taken – met - painted – written - won
c) was - died - studied - came - kept - was – began - took – met - painted - wrote – won
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1) B
2) C
3) B
4) C
5) B
6) C
7) C
8) C
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