Inglês, perguntado por dudis09, 1 ano atrás

preciso das respostas dessas perguntas de inglêssss, 20 pontos ❤​


lcbazzan: Não sei se posso ajudar mas vou tentar
lcbazzan: 2 (you/do) do at o'clock?
lcbazzan: iixe sei n
lcbazzan: desculpa ;-;

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por xXEspertinhoXx


2. what were you doing..

3. was it raining...

4. why was Ann driving...

5. was Tim wearing...


2. he was carrying a bag

3. he wasn't going to the dentist

4. he was eating an ice cream

5. he wasn't carrying an umbrella

6. he wasn't going home

7. he was wearing a hat

8. he wasn't riding a bicycle

dudis09: mt obrigado ❤
xXEspertinhoXx: sem problemas
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