Inglês, perguntado por KawakiUchiha57, 11 meses atrás

Pra quem puder ajudar, ajude por favor T.T
É pra hj tá


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 4501910860


5° a) my car is dirty. But hers is clean

b) your sister is tall, but mine is low

c) my penis blue, but yours is red

d)Their books are here, but not ours

e)her mother is young and his is also

f)our house is clean, but theirs is dirty

g)your dog is black and mine is white

4° a) our house is blue and their house is green

b) his car is clean but your car is dirty

c) your hair is short and my hair is long

d) my friend has a dog and your friend has a cat

e) their father is tall but our father is short

f) she has her book and I have my book

g)his country is big but her country is small

h) my lesson is hard but her lesson is easy

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