(Pra hoje por favor!)
1) Complete as lacunas no texto com as palavras que estão na caixa abaixo:
are – is – is – is – am – is – is – are – is – is – are – am
Hello! My name _________ Richard and I ____ 17 years old. I have lots of friends, but my closest friends are
Maria and Mark. Maria, she ______ a blonde and usually wears braids, she _______ 16 years old, loves
books and likes to play videogames after she ________ finished with her homework. Mark, he ________ a
little bit crazy. He loves to build rockets that he swears will one day really fly to the moon. His hair _______
brown and his eyes ______ blue. Mark, Maria and I, we ______ best friends. We _______ studying together
now because there is an English exam next week and we don’t want to fail English. Oh, I almost forgot to say
that I _____ also a blond and my hair _____ very curly. Well, we have to continue our study session. Talk to
you later. Goodbye!
Reescreva as frases a seguir usando a forme NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA do verbo TO BE:
1) Reescreva as frases a seguir usando a forma negativa e interrogativa do verbo to be:
a) He is a doctor.
b) You are chubby.
c) I am a girl.
d) She is very pretty.
e) It is a red flower.
f) We are happy.
g) They are my pencils.
h) This is a good book.
i) I am a teacher.
j) It is a brown dog.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
tem foto?
tipo ficou tudo embolado não dá pra entender etc...
não, pois eu recebo as atividades por uma plataforma, so recoloquei do jeito que o professor colocou na plataforma. Se quiser posso tentar deixar mais nitido.
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