Inglês, perguntado por 12345vitorhugobrela, 1 ano atrás

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matéria de inglês ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LounieChan


a. Negative: I didn't study English Canada last year.

Interrogative: Did you study English Canada last year?

b. Negative: My parents didn't watch TV last night.

Interrogative: Did my parents watch TV last night?

c. Negative: Esther didn't go on a trip to California last month.

Interrogative: Did Esther go on a trip last month?

d. Negative: Jack didn't take a lot of photos yesterday.

Interrogative: Did Jack take a lot of photos yesterday?

e. Negative: Thomas didn't give me his telefone number yesterday morning.

Interrogative: Did Thomas give me his telefone number yesterday morning?

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