por favor respondam 2º) Choose the correct pronoun (escolha o pronome correto e reescreva a frase.Observe o modelo) 1 ( I / me) like London. I like London 2. The children are as hungry as (we / us.) 3. All the students passed except (I / me.) 4. A: Who’s there? B: (I / Me!) 5. (They / them) love vegan food. 6. A: Is that the man you told me about? B: Yes, that’s( he / him.) 7. We all like cake except (she / her.) 8. (He / him) will get a new phone soon. 9. His sister isn’t as tall as (he / him.) 10. Is that chocolate for (I / me)? 11. (She / her) wants to go home early. 12. Everyone arrived on time but (he / him.) 13. Please keep up with (we / us.) 14. A: Who ate all the chocolate? B: (She / Her!) 15. (We / us) have been to Rio. 16. Could you pass the coffee to (she / her?) 17. My brother is taller than (I / me.) 18.( I / me) went to the bookshop yesterday. 19. Our new teacher is friendlier than (she / her.) 20. All the children came inside except (they / them.)
Soluções para a tarefa
2) Escolhendo o pronome correto e reescrevendo a frase, temos:
- I like London.
- The children are as hungry as us.
- All the students passed except me.
- B: Me!
- They love vegan food.
- B: Yes, that’s him.
- We all like cake except her.
- He will get a new phone soon.
- His sister isn’t as tall as him.
- Is that chocolate for me?
- She wants to go home early.
- Everyone arrived on time but him.
- Please keep up with us.
- B: She.
- We have been to Rio.
- Could you pass the coffee to her?
- My brother is taller than me.
- I went to the bookshop yesterday.
- Our new teacher is friendlier than her.
- All the children came inside except them.
Personal Pronouns
Os pronomes pessoais são usados para identificarmos quem está falando ou quem é o objeto do assunto, a pessoa sobre quem se diz algo.
Object Pronouns
Object pronouns (pronomes objetos) são usados no lugar de substantivos para evitar repetições, tornando o texto mais fluido. Podem agir tanto como objetos diretos quanto como objetos indiretos, vindo, geralmente, logo após os verbos. Correspondem aos nossos Pronomes Oblíquos. São os seguintes, em inglês:
- Me = me, mim
- You = o, a, você, lhe
- Him = o, lhe
- her = a, lhe
- it = o, a, lhe (essa pessoa é neutra)
- Us = nos
- You = vocês, lhes
- Them = os, as, lhes
Subject Pronouns
Subject Pronouns são pronomes sujeitos, localizados na posição da pessoa do discurso. Correspondem aos Pronomes Pessoais do Caso Reto, em português. São:
- I = eu
- You = tu/você
- He/She/It = ele/ela
- We = nós
- You = vós
- They = eles/elas
Para saber mais sobre personal pronouns, acesse: brainly.com.br/tarefa/39171478