Inglês, perguntado por giovanecavalcante8, 1 ano atrás

por favor,preciso de 5 exemplos das exigências do enunciado a cima.​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lahdomingos



1. I study math every Wednesday.

2. I like to watch tv.

3. I drink a lot of water.

4. I dance to my favorite song.

5. I walk home from school.


1. I don't like rude people.

2. I don't know English well.

3. I don't enjoy soccer games.

4. They don't know my name.

5. We don't want a party.


1. Does she like dolls?

2. Does he like to play tennis?

3. Do they need something to drink?

4. Do we need to go shopping?

5. Do I need to do the dishes?

giovanecavalcante8: mlc é brabo
giovanecavalcante8: vlw msm
Respondido por missythought



I work a lot on Monday.

You play soccer very well.

he studies english at the university.

she watches TV everyday.


do you live in England?

do they like the new teacher?

does it work properly?

do we have enough space for a party?

does she go to the school downtown?


I don't go to this restaurant anymore

He doesn't pretend to be someone he is not

we don't date anymore

they don't hate you

she doesn't have a good computer


entendi que era 5 frases diferentes em todas, se tiver errado so comentar que eu corrijo.

giovanecavalcante8: tá certo
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