por favor nao copie da outra pergunta
Faça 10 frases com How many
Faça 10 frases com How much
Soluções para a tarefa
I have many brothers and sisters. ...
They have been friends for many years. ...
She keeps many cats in her house. ...
He scored many points in this game. ( ...
We watched many episodes this weekend. ...
I need to fix many things around the house. ...
They will use many oranges to make the juice. (
How many Oranges did you buy?( quantas laranjas você comprou?)
How many dogs do you home ?( quantos cachorros você tem?)
How many people are going to the party?( quantas pessoas vão a festa ?)
How many times do you eat per day?( quantas vezes você come por dia ?)
How much does It cost?( quanto custa ?)
How much water os needed?( quanta água é necessária?)
How much money do you nerd?( quanto de dinheiro você precisa?)
How much food does the dog eat?( quanta comida o cachorro come?)
Resposta e Explicação:
olá! bom dia
1- How many candys do you have?
2- how many watter bottles the market bought?
3- how many children does she have?
4- how many schools are closed?
5- how many books does the library have?
6- how many phrases Einstein made?
7- how many countries are in poverty?
8- how many girls are in the park?
9- how many lamps are there in your house?
10- how many friends do we have?
1-How much time does she have to finish the homework ?
2-How much money did I spend?
3-How much sugar would you like in your coffee?
4- How much paper will they need?
5-How much water is in the fridge?
6-How much traffic was there on the way to work?
7- How much is that ball?
8-How much money we need to buy a new car?
9- how much coast this rug?
10- how much butter do we have for breakfest?