Inglês, perguntado por baltelams, 9 meses atrás

Por favor, me ajudem nesta tarefa de inglês.
Complete with the past form of the irregular verbs in parentheses.
a- I_________ (come) to England in 1993.
b- They_____ (do) their homework yesterday.
c-We______(go) to New York in january.
d- He_______ eat all the cake.
e- The child______ (fall) off his bicycle.
f- It____ (take) three hours to drive to Paris.
g- I_____ (find) your keys under the table.
h- She_____ (get) a new bike for her birthday.
i- She_______ (sell) her house last year.
j- It___________ (be) cold last night.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por guibiaava

a- I came to England im 1993.

b- They did their homework yesterday.

c- We went to New York in January.

d- He ate all the cake.

e- The child fell of his bicycle.

f- It took three hours to drive to Paris.

g- I found your keys under the table.

h- She got a new bike for her birthday.

i- She sold her house last year.

j- It was cold last night.

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