Inglês, perguntado por dasilvaduarterochaje, 3 meses atrás


. His brother ate the apple. The baby cried. His brother gave the baby a blue ball to play with. The baby smiled. His brother took the ball from the baby. He rolled the ball on the floor. The brown and white dog picked up the ball. The dog chewed on the ball. The baby cried again. His brother picked up the cat. He put the cat on the bed with the baby. The baby pulled the cat's tail. The cat jumped off the bed. The dog chased the cat. The baby cried again. His brother let the baby hold a sock. The baby played with the sock. The baby was happy.

2 O texto foi construído usando
a) Simple Present
b)Simple Past
c) Simple Future
d) Present Continuous


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple past

His brother ate the apple. The baby cried. His brother gave the baby a blue ball to play with. The baby smiled. His brother took the ball from the baby. He rolled the ball on the floor. The brown and white dog picked up the ball. The dog chewed on the ball. The baby cried again. His brother picked up the cat. He put the cat on the bed with the baby. The baby pulled the cat's tail. The cat jumped off the bed. The dog chased the cat. The baby cried again. His brother let the baby hold a sock. The baby played with the sock. The baby was happy.

2 O texto foi construído usando

a) Simple Present

b) Simple Past ✅    (todos os verbos estão no passado)

c) Simple Future

d) Present Continuous

Alternativa correta letra ''b''  >>>   Simple past


⇒⇒ Simple past - regular verbs >> tempo verbal que indica algo que aconteceu no passado e não está mais acontecendo no presente. A maioria dos verbos em inglês são regulares e terminam sempre em ''ed'' quando estão no passado .  


I watched TV yesterday. >> Eu assisti TV ontem.

John worked last week. >> John trabalhou a semana passada.

⇒⇒  Simple past - Irregular verbs / Verbos irregulares >> são verbos que não terminam em ''ed'' no passado. Cada verbo irregular tem sua forma própria de fazer o passado, ou seja, não seguem nenhuma regra e, por isso, é necessário decorá-los.


I went to school by bus. >> Eu fui à escola de ônibus.  

They had a shower last night. >> Eles tomaram banho ontem à noite.

→→ Simple past - affirmative  

Susan and Liz lived in London. >>> Susan and Liz moraram em Londres.  

Jim visited his parents.>>> John visitou seus pais.

→→ Simple past - negative (verbo volta para a forma original)


did + not + verbo forma original

Susan didn't live in London. >>> Susan não morou em Londres.  

Annie didn't buy a new ring. >>> Annie não comprou um anel novo.

→→ Simple past - interrogative (verbo volta para a forma original)


Did + sujeito + verbo forma original

Did he have time to finish the job? >>Ele teve tempo de terminar o serviço?  

Did my parents stay at home? >> Meus pais ficaram em casa?  

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