Inglês, perguntado por esmerald8739, 5 meses atrás

Por favor me ajudem!!!

•Choose the correct adverb for each situation

A)He is a really good soccer player.He runs and dribbles ______ (Skillful/Skillfully).
B)I am not feeling ____(good/well),I Will finish ____(Quick/quickly)
C)We found the way___(easy/easily)after my wife checked the GPS.
D)Brian studies____(hard/hardly).
E)Hey!Drive ___(safe/safely)
F)Bianca is pretty___(quiet/quietly)
G)Wow! the are so ____ (friend/friendly)
H)Do not fight with tour brother!sit and wait (silent/silently)
I)Go home____(fast/fastly)!there a rain coming soon.
J)Luke,stop eating too___fast/fastly),finish your meal and go to school ____(Quick/quickly)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por melissalisboasantiag

B= good, Quick

C= easy

D= Hard

E= safely

F= quiet

G= friendly

H= silently

I= fast

J= fast, quickly

espero ter ajudado

esmerald8739: Obgda ❤️❤️
melissalisboasantiag: denada <3
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