Inglês, perguntado por KauC20, 9 meses atrás


Choose the adequate alternatives to complete the sentences.

1. We ..... in the afternoon if have time
a) will talk b) would talk c) would have had

2) They .... the room if she had come back
a) will leave b) would leave c) would have left

3) I would visit my friends if I ...... time
a) have b) had c) had had

4) We will go to the beach if it ....... hot
a) is b) was c) had been

5) He would answer you question if he ....... the answer
a) knows b) knew c) had known

6) They ....... you the whole story if you had had time to listen to them
a) will tell b) would tell c) would have told

7) She will hurt herself if she ....... over the gate
a) jumps b) jumped c) had jumped

8) You ....... the flight if you didn't arrive earlier
a) will miss b) would miss c) would have missed


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒ Conditionals

1. We will talk in the afternoon if we have time . (first conditional)

  Nós conversaremos à tarde se nós tivermos tempo.

a) will talk b) would talk c) would have had

2) They would have left the room if she had come back . (third conditional)

   Eles teriam saído da sala se ela tivesse voltado.

a) will leave b) would leave c) would have left

3) I would visit my friends if I had time . (second conditional)

  Eu visitaria meus amigos se eu tivesse tempo.

a) have b) had c) had had

4) We will go to the beach if it is hot . (first condicional)

   Nós iremos à praia se estiver calor.

a) is b) was c) had been

5) He would answer you question if he knew  the answer  (second conditional)

   Ele responderia sua pergunta se ele soubesse a resposta.

a) knows b) knew c) had known

6) They would have told you the whole story if you had had time to listen to them . (third conditional)

  Eles teriam contato toda a estória a você se você tivesse tido tempo para ouvir.

a) will tell b) would tell c) would have told

7) She will hurt herself if she jumps over the gate . (first conditional)

   Ela se machucará se ela pular o portão.

a) jumps b) jumped c) had jumped

8) You would miss the flight if you didn't arrive earlier  (second conditional)

   Você perderia o vôo se você não chegasse mais cedo.

a) will miss b) would miss c) would have missed


→→ Zero Conditional - Situação verdadeira

Fish die if you take them out of water.

Os peixes morrem se você tirá-los da água.

Estrutura Zero conditional

If     + present          +      present

If you eat too much  you get       fat.

Se você come muito, você engorda.

→→ First Conditional - Situação real ou possível

Estrutura Primeira Condicional - First Conditional

If + sujeito + present simple* + will** + verbo+compl

If      she                  is    happy I will          be     happy.

Se ela estiver feliz, eu estarei feliz.

→→ Second Conditional - situação hipotética >> quando queremos falar sobre algo que não tem possibilidade real de acontecer, usamos a segunda condicional. O verbo no passado indica a condição e ''would'' + verbo indica o resultado futuro.


If + simple past ..... + would /wouldn't + infinitive ......

If I had much money I would travel a lot.

Se eu tivesse muito dinheiro, eu viajaria muito.

→→ Third Conditional >> para falar sobre  uma situação que não aconteceu, mas que dá para imaginar como seria se tivesse acontecido.  

Em português: Se você tivesse chegado mais cedo (situação que não aconteceu) , você teria jantado conosco. (como seria se tivesse acontecido)


If + sujeito +      past perfec……  +      would have + particípio…..

If the weather    had been good    I    would have      gone to the beach

Se o tempo estivesse bom, eu teria ido à praia.

Se a primeira frase for colocada no lugar da segunda o sentido da frase continua o mesmo.

I would have gone to the beach if the weather had been good.

Eu teria ido à praia se o tempo estivesse bom.

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