Soluções para a tarefa
a. Did my brother buy a beatiful t-shirt yesterday at the shopping mall?
b. Did Ana do her homework two days ago?
c. Did Jonh follow all his friends on Instagram?
d. Did the Italian restaurante open last Friday?
e. Did he run on the park every saturday?
f. Did the english teacher talk to my parentes about my behave in class?
g. Did my mother work in that company for ten years?
h. Did my girlfriend and I watch a nice movie yesterday.
i. Did I go to the supermarket because I need to buy some food?
j. Did my father find a key next to our house one week ago?
Simple Past é um tempo verbal na língua inglesa que equivale ao pretérito perfeito na Língua Portuguesa.
a. Did my brother buy a beatiful t-shirt yesterday at the shopping mall?
b. Did Ana do her homework two days ago?
c. Did Jonh follow all his friends on Instagram?
d. Did the Italian restaurante open last Friday?
e. Did he run on the park every saturday?
f. Did the english teacher talk to my parentes about my behave in class?
g. Did my mother work in that company for ten years?
h. Did my girlfriend and I watch a nice movie yesterday.
i. Did I go to the supermarket because I need to buy some food?
j. Did my father find a key next to our house one week ago?
Utiliza-se o Simple Past nas frases em que há sentido de ação concluída e finalizada. Além disso, há uso de advérbios que representam atividades que ocorreram no passado, como: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week e ago.
Neste tempo verbal, utiliza-se verbos regulares (walked, worked, played, washed, etc.) e verbos irregulares (went, drank, flew, saw, etc.).
Exemplos: He studied Math last night./ We did not (didn't) go to school last week./ I called you two days ago.
Para saber mais: brainly.com.br/tarefa/38639390