Por favor me ajuda complete as frases com o passado simples

Soluções para a tarefa
a) learnt (verbo irregular)
b) visited (verbo regular)
c) did not like (repare que apenas o verbo auxiliar entra no passado, e não o verbo like junto)
d) studied (caso que se tira o y e substitui por i)
e) have she stopped to smoke?
f) talked
2) a) my parents didn't work in the hospital (neg)
do my parents work in the hospital? (int)
b) I didn't clean my bedroom yesterday (neg) (repare que eu em inglês é sempre maiúsculo não importa onde ele estiver na frase)
Did I clean my bedroom yesterday? (int)
c) suponhamos que haja um erro de ortografia nessa,
My mother didn't call me this morning (neg)
Did my mother call me this morning? (int)
d) Amy didn't try to go to the beach last week (neg)
Did Amy try to go to the beach last week? (int)
espero ter ajudado