Por favor coloquem todos os verbos em inglês que vocês conheçam.
80 start – started começar, iniciar What time did the show start?
82 stop – stopped parar Why didn’t you stop them?
83 study – studied estudar When did you study there?
84 take – took pegar, levar Let’s take the next bus!
85 talk – talked falar, conversar I don’t want to talk about it.
86 tell – told contar, dizer Why don’t you tell your mother?
87 there is – are haver, existir, ter There is a place for everyone...
88 think – thought pensar, achar What do you think about it?
90 turn – turned virar Turn right, please.
91 understand – ood entender I don’t understand your father.
92 visit – visited visitar Would you like to visit her today?
93 wait – waited esperar Wait a moment, please.
94 wake up - woke up acordar, despertar What time did you wake up?
95 walk – walked andar, caminhar You need to walk daily.
96 want – wanted querer I don’t want it anymore.
98 watch – watched assistir Did you watch TV last night?
99 work – worked trabalhar, funcionar Are you working there yet?
100 write – wrote escrever Do you prefer to write or to read?
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
To speak
to go
to dream
to eat
to drink
to sleep
to sing
to dance
to yawn
to imagine
to make
to do
to hear
to listen
to run
to walk
to apologize
to forgive
to forget
to understand
e por ai vai...
to go
to dream
to eat
to drink
to sleep
to sing
to dance
to yawn
to imagine
to make
to do
to hear
to listen
to run
to walk
to apologize
to forgive
to forget
to understand
e por ai vai...
Respondido por
Drink, play, want, spell, miss,work, sing, remember, forgive, give, arrive, leave, imagine, meet, boil, run, feel, learn, drive, dance, seel, decribe, cook, avoid, eat, act, e muitoo ,mais
Perguntas interessantes
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás
1 ano atrás
72 sell – sold vender Do you want to sell your house?
73 send – sent mandar, enviar Send her flowers!
74 sing – sang cantar, cantarolar Do you sing in the bathroom?
75 sit – sat sentar (se) Sit down, please.
76 sleep – slept dormir Did you sleep well last night?
77 speak – spoke falar Do you speak English?
78 spell – spelt soletrar How do you spell your name?