Inglês, perguntado por gabrielarmando025, 5 meses atrás

por favor alguem que é bom em ingles me ajuda nesse exercicio preciso entregar amanha
unscramble the words to write correct senteces in simple present
A) always -early- sueli - arrive
b) to the -cinema - never- I - go
c) work - Mariana - hard- always
d) like - chocolate - children - usually
e) julia- parties- enjoy- always
F) often- peoples- names- I- forget
g) tv- tim- watch- never
h) usually - dinner - we - have - at 7.30
i) jenny - always - nice - clothes- wear

gabrielarmando025: *h) at 7.30 pm

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vitoramorim3


a - Sueli always arrives early

b - I never go to the cinema

c - Mariana always works hard

d - Children usually like chocolate

e - Julia always enjoys parties

f - I often forget peoples names

g - Tim never watches tv

h - We usually have dinner at 7:30

i - Jenny always wears nice clothes


gabrielarmando025: mt obrigado
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