Inglês, perguntado por sophiavferresp8c1jw, 1 ano atrás

Por favor alguem me ajuda com essas lições de inglês!


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por feelsme

Hello, good afternoon!!


01. a) To taking

b) To sleeping

c) To working

d) To studying

e) To speaking

f) To singing

g) To playing

h) To dancing

i) To running

j) To eating

02. She is playing video games.

I am playing football.

It is playing tennis.

You are playing golf.

You are playing the piano.

We are playing the guitar

They are playing basketball

He is playing rugby.

03. a) looking

b) giving

c) running, chasing

d) breathing

e) procurando - searching

correndo - running

perseguindo - chasing

respirando - breathing

dando - giving

Good studies :)

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