Inglês, perguntado por 2200446, 6 meses atrás

ponha nos espaços a forma condicional correta dos verbos dos parênteses:
She ____ (tell) you the story if you ask her.
I will explain the lesson again if she ____ (not/ understand).
If he _____ (compare) the facts,he would include that I was right.
I would study today if I ____ (have) a test tomorrow.
If they_____ (call) me,I will tell the truth.
If he _____ (formulate) the theory, he will help us.
What ____ you _____ (do) if I gave you 1000 dollars?
The girls ____ ( call ) us if they reach London before Friday.

preciso pra amanhã, alguém ajuda pleaseeeee​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Henriqueaquinos


She want Tell the story If you ask her

2200446: sabe as outras??
Henriqueaquinos: espera ae
2200446: tá ok
2200446: o amg, vc conseguiu?
Henriqueaquinos: não desculpa
2200446: tá bom, obrigada
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