Inglês, perguntado por dudaoliveiradudaedua, 1 ano atrás

Poderiam me ajudar na revisão do CNA NEW PLATINUM 2 ?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustavinholopesgbl

First conversation: A=Client B= Seller

A: Hello, good morning

B:  good morning, are you searching something especific?

A: No, but I saw these pot and I found it beautiful.

B: Yeah, It is really so much beautiful but on other hand it is expensive

A: I can pay $300.

B: Another person will buy it for $350

A: So I can buy it for $25 more and it is the best that I can do

B: Ok, it is sold!

Second Conversation: A= Girl B= Boy

A: Hello my friend how are you?

B: I´m fine. What´s up?

A: Yesterday I was at the library reading some books

B: That is cool and what you was reading?

A: I was reading romantic books but I was suprised because I find out a awesome thriller book

B: Wow but you do not like thriller, for sure it is a really nice book

A: It is and I bring the book for you read too

B: Oh! Thanks!! You know that I love thriller books

Third Conversation: A=blond woman B=black hair woman

A: How was your day in you job?

B: It was good.

A: But why it was good?

B: Because today was a meeting with the CEO of the company and we talk about what theme will be next year  and I said that will be good talk abot the future "In 50 years´ time"

A: It is cool and what he think about that?

B: He love the idea and know I am responsible for the next year season  

A: It is like a promotion?

B: Yes, it is why today was good!

Fourth conversation( A=old man B= young woman)

A: Hello! Here I can find some types of seeds?

B: Yes, what kind you are searching?

A: I just want beautiful plants  

B: I have they. How much you want?

A: I want a lot but if I buy a lot I want 40% off

B: No problem, You´ve got yoursel a deal!

A: And you have a watering can too?

B: Yes it is Ten dollars.

Fifty conversation(A= woman B=man)

A: Hey! Man, can you help me with my homework?

B: Yes I can!

A: Sit here in my side

B: Ok, what is the subject

A: It is math, I know how to do this but there is something wrong

B: I am not good in math but my guess is that there have a signal wrong

A: Oh maybe is it

B: Redo this calculation and with you need call me again.

Espero ter ajudado ✌

dudaoliveiradudaedua: Obrigada, mas essas respostas são da revisão do livro ( eu já fiz ). As atividades acima são da revisão da prova que não tenho certeza das minhas respostas e especialmente na primeira foto não estou conseguindo achar as palavras certas.
Respondido por kauah545


eu observei a resposta é ela está correta

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