Inglês, perguntado por jeferson2009gat, 1 ano atrás

( plurar of nours)
Plural dos substantivos
-Todas as regras, com (exemplos)
-10 orações de cada regra.

jsoar: Espera, eu estava fazendo e cliquei responder sem querer

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jsoar

Regra geral: acréscimo de “s”:

1) They have two cars.
2) The boys are playing outside.
3) I bought two books.

4) I have three sisters.

5) My parents have two kids.

6) He has two dogs.

7) My aunt has two houses.

8) There are two apples in the fridge.

9) We have two legs.

10) My mother made two cakes.

Regra: Se o substantivo terminar em “y”, precedido de consoante, tira-se o “y” e acrescenta-se “ies”.

1) I have visted many cities.

2) There are two butterflies flying outside.

3) The babies are crying.

4) The facilities are very good.

5) There are so many utilities for that.

6) He is eating strawberries.

7) He fought against the bullies.

8) My father was born in the fifties.

9) There are two flies in the soup.

10) The puppies are playing.

REGRA: Nos substantivos terminados em “f” ou “fe”, no singular, troca-se o “f” ou “fe” por “v” ou “ve” no plural e acrescenta-se “s”.

1) There are two knives in the kitchen.

2) A man can't have two wives.

3) She bought two shelves for her office.

4) Our lives are great!

5) The leaves are falling off the tree.

6) he cut the cake in two halves.

7) He made two loaves of bread.

8) The police arrested the thieves.

9) There are seven dwarves in the story.

10) Please, behave yourselves.

REGRA: Nos substantivos terminados em “s, sh, ch, x, z, o”, acrescenta-se “es” para formar o plural.

1) There are two boxes on the floor.

2) She has three different brushes.

3) Brazil has many beautiful beaches.

4) Those glasses are really expensive.

5) I bought some tomatoes.

6) My mother likes sweet potatoes.

7) He got two new watches.

8) No one sends faxes anymore.

9) I need some matches to light up a fire.

10) There are two churches near my house.

REGRA: substantivos que apresentam a mesma forma para o singular e para o plural.

1) Two deer were hit by a truck.

2) There are thousands of fish in this river.

3) There are many moose in Canada.

4) The dog guards all the sheep.

5) We found two shrimp in the sea.

6) I saw three bison eating grass.

7) She bought five passionfruit.

8) Santa Claus has eight reindeer.

9) There are many tuna in the river.

10) I fished two salmon.

REGRA: Substantivos irregulares.

1) My feet hurt.

2) A shark has many teeth.

3) Children like playing outside.

4) A lot of men like sports.

5) A lot of women like fashion.

6) The cat killed two mice.

7) There are many people here.

8) Those geese are swimming.

9) Some children have lice.

10) My grandfather has two oxen on his farm.

jsoar: qual?
jeferson2009gat: Os substantivos com o final man no singular mudam para men no plural.

Man (homem) – men (homens)
Woman (mulher) – women (mulheres)
Mailman (carteiro) – mailmen (carteiros)
jeferson2009gat: Me faz uns exemplos ai, por favor
jsoar: 1) The men were fighting. 2) The women were in a meeting. 3) The mailmen went on a strike. 4) The policemen had shooting practice. 5) He called the firemen. 6) Postmen work hard. 7) They are businessmen. 8) He hired two barmen. 9) There was a disagreement amongst the councilmen. 10) The repairmen worked together to fix the car.
jeferson2009gat: Me ajuda na pergunta sobre física que eu criei ??
jsoar: Não garanto que eu vá saber
jsoar: mas manda aí
jeferson2009gat: 20 exemplos de inércia
jsoar: 20 questões sobe inércia com resposta?
jeferson2009gat: Só 20 exemplos mesmo ajuda ai??
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