Pfvr me ajudem, sem criações para isto.

Soluções para a tarefa
It' a sunny day on wednesday, there're two people for lunch in a italian resturant, celebrating one of them's birthday...
Waiter: W
First person: F
Second person: S
(Aqui se quiser pode dar um nome aos personagens)
W- Welcome! Table for how many?
F- Hello, table for two, please
W- Here the menu... i will back soon
S- Oh my! That's a beautiful resturant and I heard that they pasta is the gretest one!
F- Really? So I think that I'm going to order this
S- Me too
W- Are you ready to order?
F- Yes, can I have a pasta please?
S- The same for me
W- Great... Do you want some baverages?
F- A coke please
S- And for me a watermelon juice
W- Perfect
W- Here there're two pasta, a coke and a watermelon juice, bon appetit!
F- Oh my god, that delicius
S- Of couser, I'm going to bring my father to this restarant as well, he will love
F- I'm pretty sure that he will... In spite of, let's go to the deserts ?
S- I'm eaguer for this