Inglês, perguntado por costalivia523, 5 meses atrás

Pfvr alguém me ajuda é pra entregar hoje

1) Complete as frases abaixo passando-as para o Grau de Comparação de Igualdade, Superioridade e Inferioridade:

a)Roger______________________his firend. (rich)
b) Mikaela_________________________Frederico. ( intelligent)
c) My bike________________________these other in the store. (expensive)
d) Your brother___________________mine. (tall)
e) Paula Fernandes_____________________Taylor Swift. (beautiful)
f) Nicole________________________her sisters.( old)
g) Ricardo________________________his brother. ( quiet)
h) Mary_____________________her mother. (fat)
i) Your dog______________________the others in the street. (big)
j) This teste____________________________those. (difficult)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kenzo92

Resposta:Superioridade : Roger is richer than his friend, Mikaela is more intelligent than Frederico, My bike is more expensive than these other in the store, your brother is taller than mine, Paula Fernandes is more beautiful than Taylor Swift, Nicole is older than her sisters, Ricardo is quieter than his brother, Mary is fatter than her mother, Your dog is bigger than the others in the street, This "teste" is more difficult than those

Inferioridade Roger is less rich than his friend, Mikaela is less intelligent than Frederico, My bike is less expensive than these other in the store, Your brother is less tall than mine, Paula Fernandes is less beautiful than Taylor Swift, Nicole is less old than her sisters,  Ricardo is less quiet than his brother, Mary is less fat than her mother, your dog is less big than the others in the street, This "teste" is less difficult than those

Igualdade: Roger is as rich as his friend, Mikaela is as intelligent as Frederico, My bike is as expensive as these other in the store, your brother is as tall as mine, Paula Fernandes is as beautiful as Taylor Swift, Nicole is as old as her sisters, Ricardo is as quiet as his brother, Mary is as fat as her mother, your dog is as big as the others in the street, this "teste" is as difficult as those.

krl demorou

costalivia523: Obrigada amigo, vc é um amigo✊✊
kenzo92: da um melhor resposta pfv?
costalivia523: Oq?
kenzo92: na minha resposta tem como deixar como "melhor resposta" só o dono pode colocar deve ser uma coroa nunca coloquei uma
costalivia523: eu tbm nunca coloquei a coroa não KAHDHAAKSJ vou procurar aqui pra tu cara
costalivia523: ver ai, só tinha a opção de dar nota aqui cara
kenzo92: blz ;-;
costalivia523: ta ai amigão
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