Pfv rápido isso é para hoje pfvv

Soluções para a tarefa
A- Affirmative: Susan was helping her mother in the Kitchen
Interrogative: Was Susan helping her mother in the Kitchen?
B- Negative: We weren't running to school at 8 this morning
Interrogative: Were we running to school at 8 this morning
C- Affirmative: The children were looking for the garage.
Negative: The children weren't looking for the garage
D: Negative: My father wasn't driving home at 6 yesterday
Interrogative: Was my father driving home at 6 yesterday
E- interrogative: Was Dennis and Ian solving the problems in the classroom?
Afirmative: Dennis and Ian was solving the problems in the classroom
F- Affirmative: The telephone was ringing at 5 o'clock in the morning
Negative: The telephone wasn't ringing at 5 o'clock in the morning
G-Affirmative: I was walking. down the street at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
Interrogative" Was I walking down the street at 5 o'clock in the afternoon?
H- Negative: They weren't doing their homework.
Interrogative: Were they doing their homework?
I- Afirmative Ellen was dancing at the club
Negative: Ellen wasn't dancing at the Club
Base das frases
Interrogativa: Verbo + Sujeito + Complemento
Negativa: Sujeito + verbo + n't + Complemento
Afirmativa: Sujeito + verbo + Complemento