Pfv, me ajudem, é de inglês, sobre preposições In, At, ou On

Soluções para a tarefa
Exercício 2.
I was born in 1992.
I was born in October.
I was born at 5 o'clock in the morning.
I was born in the evening.
I was born on the 21st.
The concert starts at 7:30.
Her father isn't going to be here on the April, 10th.
Our neighbors always have a party at New Year's Eve. It usually starts at 9:30.
This was discovered in 1986.
It´s very cold here in Winter.
I have English classes on Tuesday and Thursdays.
Nobody wanted to party with me at my birthday.
I'll go home at 7:00pm.
Eduard's birthday is on 22 September.
I will be in Qatar in 2022 for the FIFA World Cup.
I'll be there at 12 o'clock.
I think I will be busy on Tuesday.
The French artist Gustave Doré was born in 1832.
It will snow in Winter.
My notebook was at this table, where is it?
You will find us at 257 Avenida Brasil.
in - geral
on - more specific - mais específico
at - very specific - muito específico
''in'' para se referir aos períodos maiores e menos específicos, como uma parte do dia, um mês, uma estação do ano ou um ano
in May
in Summer
in 1990
in the morning
in the Spring
in the past, in the future
''on'' para dias da semana e datas
on Sundays
on 6th March
on the weekend
on Sunday morning, Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening
on January 10th, 2010
''at'' para tempo (hora) e lugar
at one clock
at half past nine.
at Christmas, at Easter
at football stadium
at the Mall