Inglês, perguntado por PaodeOvO, 11 meses atrás

Pfv ajudem!é p entrega hj

Complete the conversation with the verb be

Naty:Hi there! I'____Natalia.____you Lucas//
Lucas:Yes, I____.Nice to meet you,Natalia!
Naty:You can call me Naty.Welcome to our school!
Lucas:Thank you!
Naty:These____my friends Nicole and Thomas.We'___Italian____you Italian too?
Lucas:No, I'm ____.I'____French

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anaaaluizaaa22

Antes devemos lembrar a conjugação do VERB TO BE no inglês:

I am ou I'm

you are

he/she/it is

we are

they are

Com base nisso o exercicio ficará assim:

Naty:Hi there! I'm Natalia.Are you Lucas//

Lucas:Yes, I am.Nice to meet you,Natalia!

Naty:You can call me Naty.Welcome to our school!

Lucas:Thank you!

Naty:These are my friends Nicole and Thomas.We are. Italian. Are you Italian too?

Lucas:No, I'm not .I'm French


PaodeOvO: obgd
anaaaluizaaa22: You are welcome!
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