Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 8 meses atrás

Pessoal preciso de uma ajuda nessas liçoes, mas por favor coloquem explicação, obrigado xD

1 - Complete com o presente continuo dos verbos entre parênteses:

That boy___ a sanduich now (to eat)
Luten! She__ you (to call)
She children ___ in the garden (to play)
I_____ english now (to speak)
You____ here at the moment (to study)
Look! It ______! (to rain)

2 - Use o Simple Present do verbo entre parenteses:

You___ to the beach on sunday (to go)
We all____ im Brazil (to live)
I____ a glass of milk every morning (to drink)
My brother_____ a glass of milk every morning too (to drink)
The word spaghetti _____ from China (to come)

Obrigado a quem ajudou, bom dia :)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LeticiaGames1904

you go to the beach on sunday

we all live in Brazil

i drink a glass of milk every morning

my brother drinks a glass of milk every morning

the word spaghetti comes from China

Respondido por mahlopes2910
1) is eating
is calling
is playing
am speaking
are studying
is raining

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