Inglês, perguntado por carolisc, 10 meses atrás

pessoal por favor me ajudem a responder esses dois exercícios de inglês?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por suelienglishsuespbr
a) I was given permission to come home late.
b) The homework was corrected last week.
c) A dog was bought yesterday.
d) A composition about the environment will be written by the girl.
e) Math is going to be taught next week.
f) Their house is going to be painted next week.

a) The teacher said you must not pay attention to what he was saying.
b) They said they would fix Bob's car as soon as he had paid for the last job they had done.
c) The pilot said the plane had been delayed because of bad weather conditions.
d) They said they had been there before they had met Janet.
e) The witness told the judge he/she had seen her twice before.

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