Inglês, perguntado por AlanaGaldino, 9 meses atrás

Pessoal não entendo nada de inglês, alguém me ajuda por favor!!

1) Complete the sentences using “there is” or “there are”:
a) ___________a cat on my bed.
b) ________two oranges in the box.
c) ________many fruits in the fruit bowl.
d) ________ten books under the table.
e) ________an apple in the fridge.
f) ________a magazine on that shelf.
g) ________an alam clock in the bag.
h) ________ some dogs on the street.
2) Pesquisar na internet There to be (Simple Past)
3) Complete the sentences using “there was” or “there were”
a) ____________a monarchy in the history of Brazil?
b) ____________a beautiful Princess of Wales named Diana.
c) The theater was almost empty.______________many people in there.
d) _______________a time when_____________________some beautiful trees here.
e) ______________important facts about the American colonization?
4) Rewrite the sentences in Simple Past.
a) In a monarchy there is a sovereign.
b) There are many monarchies all over the world.
5) Rewrite the senteces in two forms interrogative- negative
a) There was a time when monarchies were absolute.
Interrogative: _________________________________________?
b) There were many sovereigns in the distant past.
Translate into Portuguese language:.
Back to the Past
German dream of unity is now a reality
October-3, 1990. Germany is one nation again. The rebirth was at midnight with a triumphant sound of bells. There were black, red and gold flags in the hands of hundreds of people.
Forty-five years after the end of the Second World War, Germany was free and United in liberty. The future is uncertain. There are many difficulties to be faced, but tonight there is only joy
Translate below

a) The end of World War II was in:
b) The Nazi symbol was:
c) Hitler was born in:
d) What were the Axis countries?
e) What were the Allied countries?
f) How did World War II start?

You must watch a short movie from Disney. The North American film industries contributed to war propaganda in the United States. You should watch and answer the following questions below:
1) Who was the main character in the story?
2) What was the name of the book shown?

Pesquise na internet a política do “Lend-Lease”, após a pesquisa responde estas questões.
1) O que foi a política do Lend-Lease?
2) Quem era o país que fornecia ajuda?
3) Quem era os beneficiários?
4) Houve outro país que também fornecia ajuda? Para quem?
5) O Brasil foi favorecido com a política do Lend-Lease?
6) Quem era o presidente americano nesta época?
7) Qual era a importância do Lend-Lease?
8) Como era o Lend-Lease?
9) O que era fornecido com a política do Lend-Lease?

Como foi o reembolso do Lend-Lease?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por francisca2742004
a) there is
b) there are
c) there are
d) there are
e) there is
f) there is
g) there is
h) there are

There is= singular
There are= plural

2) there is no past simple= there was
There are no past simple= there were

3)a) was there
b) there was
c) there were
d)there was... there were
e) were there

4)a) In a monarchy there is not a sovereign.
b) There are not many monarchies all over the world.

5)a) Interrogative: Was there a time when monarchies were absolute?
Negative: There was not a time when monarchies were absolute.

b) Interrogative: Were there many sovereigns in the distant past?
Negative: there were not many sovereigns in the distant past.

Translate into Portuguese language

De volta ao passado

O sonho Alemão da união é agora uma realidade.

3 outubro, 1990. Alemanha é uma nação outra vez. O renascimento foi à meia-noite com um som triunfante dos sinos. Havia bandeiras pretas, vermelhas e douradas nas mãos de centenas de pessoas.
Quarenta e cinco anos depois do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Alemanha estava livre e unidos em liberdade. Há muitas dificuldades para serem enfrentadas, mas hoje à noite há apenas alegria.

a) the end of World War II was in October 3, 1990
b) the Nazy symbol was a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia.
c) Hittler was born in April 30, 1889.
d) the Axis countries were Germany, Italy, and Japan.
e) The Allied countries were England (Great Britain, the United Kingdom), the United States of America, the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R. , Russia), and France.

* Não sei mais, peço desculpa.

AlanaGaldino: Obrigada, ajudou bastante ❤️
francisca2742004: De nada ❤️
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