Inglês, perguntado por lindalriadias, 8 meses atrás

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Respondido por kauavieira059


Airton Machado, 62 years old, vocalist of the band Garotos de Ouro, died in an accident with the group's bus during the night of this Monday (13) in Águas Mornas, in Greater Florianópolis. The information was confirmed by a member of the band's commercial team, Marcelo Sutter.

In addition to Airton, a 32-year-old woman was seriously injured and was taken to the Regional Hospital of São José, in the same region. There is no information about her health status. Only the two of them were on the bus.

Airton Machado, 62 years old, was one of the founders of the band — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Airton Machado, 62 years old, was one of the founders of the band — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

According to the Federal Highway Police (PRF), the musician was driving the vehicle that left the track and collided with a bank of stones in a curve, at km 44.2, around 1:40 am. Traffic in the region, which ended up with interrupted lanes due to the collision, was released around 9 am.


boa sorte

lindalriadias: Obrigada
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