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Forget About The Climate Deniers. It’s The Climate Liars We Need To Stop.
The international scientific community is shouting from the rooftops that we have just 11 years to act to avert climate catastrophe. Yet it often seems like nobody is listening — climate denial thrives, and politicians are doubling down on fossil fuels in the face of a global emergency.
And with so many of these politicians justifying their climate-backward policies by doubting basic science, it’s fair to assume that climate denial is fueling the problem, right?
As frustrating as they are, climate deniers aren’t the problem. The real trouble lies with what I call climate liars: the thousands of politicians who secretly accept climate science but publicly deny it for political gain. If the climate movement is going to prevail, we must be crystal clear about this distinction
<Disponível em Buzfeednews, 18 de setembro de 2019>
- Os argumentos apresentados pelo autor é favorável a causa.
Vamos usar como exemplo esse artigo de opinião em inglês:
Education in times of Covid-19
Possibly, here in Brazil, the best solution for students in public schools will consist of using content transmitted through cell phones with internet.
An example of this situation comes from the state of São Paulo, in which the Department of Education negotiates with operators the sponsorship to pay for the Wi-Fi connection of students who have at least one smartphone.
This period will require managers to think outside the box.
In my view, this will be an opportunity to rethink the role of school and parents in students' school life.
Parents, overloaded by different tasks, are increasingly outsourcing their duty to educate to the school, contrary to what art. 205 of the Federal Constitution, which states that educating is a duty of the State and families. In one of his homilies, Pope Francis said in a worried tone:
“The time has come for fathers and mothers to return from their exile and regain their educational role. Let us pray that the Lord will grant parents this grace: that of not exiling themselves from the education of their children”.
Another aspect that we can take away as a lesson: it is necessary to study how to use new technologies in harmony with face-to-face classes, and how to establish a balance between face-to-face teaching and virtual teaching.
Today, in our country, we face an arduous discussion about the use of technology-mediated education.
Perhaps this period will teach us that both modalities can live in harmony in favor of a pedagogical project that meets the needs of an education geared to the 21st century.
Failure to address the issue may lead us to the current situation with regard to enormous inequalities in access between public and private schools.
Argumentos usados pelo autor:
- A necessidade do envolvimento da familia nas atividades escolares dos alunos;
- A necessidade de se ter parcimônia quanto ao uso da tecnologia em sala de aula.
Classificação da opinião
O autor é a favor do uso de tecnologias em sala de aula desde que com o acompanhamento da familia nas atividades e cuidado com os excessos.
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