Inglês, perguntado por 436OiGabriel1, 10 meses atrás

Pesquise e escreva 5 frases na forma afirmativa com os pronomes I, you, we, they, depois passe para forma interrogativa e negativa essa mesmas frases

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por DeboraKookie2
i have real friendshave I real friends?I haven't real friends
I like the puppyLike I the puppy?I not like the puppy
I ready for the next timeReady I for the next time?I not ready for the next time
I eat beef Eat I beef?I not eat beef
I believe in meBelieve I in me?I not believe in me 

DeboraKookie2: You are beautiful
Are you beautiful?
you not beautiful

You love me
Love you me?
You not love me

You hate me
Hate you me?
You not hate me

You have a sister
Have you a sister?
You haven't a sister

You watch the futebol
Watch you the futebol?
You not watch the futebol
DeboraKookie2: we are friends
Are we friends?
We aren't friends

We are champions
Are we champions?
We aren't champions

We love pizza
Love we pizza?
We not love pizza

We are boyfriends
Are we boyfriends?
We aren't boyfriends

We go to the show
go we to the show?
We not go the show
DeboraKookie2: they know about us
Know they about us?
they not know about us

they go the pizzeria
go the they pizzeria?
They not go the pizzeria

they study for the proof
Study they for the proof?
They not study for the proof

they love music
Love they music?
they not love music

they like friendship
Like they friendship?
they not like friendship
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