Inglês, perguntado por zLucasBR, 8 meses atrás

Pesquise 5 verbos no Infinitivo Simple Past e Participio. Crie 5 frases usando os verbos no Present Perfect. As frases podem ser na forma negativa, afirmativa ou interrogativa.

ManuelaFrofro: Oie, o present perfect eh no particípio eh pra usar os msm verbos ?
zLucasBR: Não sei! Minha professora não explicou direito! Mas pode ser sim
ManuelaFrofro: Okk já tá lá, espero ter ajudado ; )

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ManuelaFrofro
Simple past - pode ser regular ou irregular
Eat -ate
Play -played
Win - won
Study - studied
Write - wrote
Eat - ate - eaten
Play - played - played
Win - won - won
Study - studied - studied
Write - wrote - written
FRASES - Have you ever been in German ?
She has already done her homework.
He haven’t seen Mark since last week.
Have they eaten yet ?
We have never played golf before.
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