Inglês, perguntado por coxinha445, 9 meses atrás

pesquisar o conceito da expressão I wish + Simple past e em seguida produzir 20 sentenças utilizando essa expressao.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Wish + simple past

⇒⇒ Wish >>> para expressar um desejo quase impossível, situação irreal  ou para se lamentar por algo:


wish + simple past

  1. I wish I lived in a small city.  
  2. I wish I were taller than my sister.
  3. I wish I spoke Spanish.  
  4. I wish I had a new car.
  5. I wish I were on a beach.
  6. I wish it were the weekend.
  7. I wish I could drive.
  8. I wish my parents were still alive.
  9. I wish I could ride a horse.
  10. I wish you loved me.
  11. I wish David worked harder.
  12. I wish my mother were here.
  13. I wish I were in London now.
  14. I wish my house was bigger.
  15. I wish I could meet you in real.
  16. I wish I ate more veggies.
  17. I wish I didn't eat junk food.
  18. I wish I didn't smoke.
  19. I wish I exercised at the gym.
  20. I wish I could play the piano.

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