Inglês, perguntado por gig94741, 7 meses atrás

pesquisar as principais formas de lazer nos países que falam ingles

gig94741: e escrevelas em ingles
gig94741: por favor me ajudem isso e pra entrega hoje
gig94741: e urgenteeeee e pra hojeeeee
gig94741: ?????????????????????????????????
gig94741: por favor me ajudem obrigado nao to comseguindo fazer me ajudem nessa atividade de ingles
gig94741: ????????????????

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gabivalho


We have a lot of countries that speak english. In the united states, for example,  the principles leisure spots are cities like New York that has some of the main symbols and sights of the country, such as: The Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Central Park, Times Square,and the Brooklyn Bridge.

Canada is another country that speak in english and one of the many ways to have fun is skating on the ice.

Australia is also an country who has english as maternal languague, and they are very close to sports, like surfe.

gig94741: obrigado salvo minha vida
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