Inglês, perguntado por 20174, 1 ano atrás

perguntas que tenham como resposta:
1.I have been blind since I was ten years old.
2.We call him a mute because he chooses not to talk.
3.A policeman has the power to enforce the law.
4..My girlfriend is deaf.
5.A thief stole it

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dexteright02

1) When you went blind?
2) Who would you rather choose to keep secret?
3) What authority works in favor of the law?
4) I called his girlfriend, but she did not hear me!
5) Where's your phone?

20174: obrigada vc é dms
dexteright02: Disponha, um abraço!
20174: abraços também ..
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