Pergunta= (Pesquise 10 verbos com as terminações da 1º regra e conjugue com He-she-it) ( o que é a primeira regra= 1º regra Verbos terminando em: o-s-x-sh-ch acrescentamos ''es'' no final)
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Verbos terminando em o - s - x - sh - ch
to go >>> he goes - she goes - it goes ( verbo ir)
to do >>> he does - she does - it does (verbo fazer)
to wash >>> he washes - she washes - it washes (verbo lavar)
to finish >>> he finishes - she finishes - it finishes (verbo terminar)
to watch >>> he watches - she watches - it watches (verbo assistir)
to teach >>> he teaches - she teaches - it teaches (verbo ensinar)
to fix >>> he fixes - she fixes - it fixes (verbo arrumar/consertar)
to mix >> he mixes - she mixes - it mixes (verbo misturar)
to kiss >> he kisses - she kisses - it kisses (verbo beijar)
to miss >> he misses - she misses - it misses (verbo perder/sentir saudade)
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