Pergunta 32 pts
Leia o seguinte abstract:
Proliferating media forms, from tablets to Twitter, are changing communicative practice, delimiting new experiential horizons, and thus providing research with novel variations on the experience of self and other. In particular, Zoom, Skype and FaceTime offer prominent examples of these changing forms. Despite the use of these communication technologies in both educational contexts and everyday life, videoconferencing for educational purposes has been described in the research literature as “a hidden mode of delivery, employing invisible pedagogical techniques.” In this study I address this situation of simultaneous familiarity and invisibility by focusing particularly on the lived experience of space, the body and eye contact in videoconferencing contexts. This study suggests that the disruption of spatial coherence and power of gaze and mutual gaze are all but unavoidable features of this experience. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of forms or expressions of absence, such as the diminution of eye contact, or the importance of not always being perceived as performing or “on” in communicative contexts.
FRIESEN, N. Videoconferencing: Pedagogical spaces online and off. Grenzerfahrungen: Phänomenologie Und Anthropologie Pädagogischer Räume, 2015.
Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso dos conectores sublinhados:
“Despite” tem sentido de causa.
“Thus” é usado para exemplificar.
“Such as” é usado para exemplificar.
“Thus” é usado para contrastar ideias.
“Despite” tem o sentido de adição.
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“Such as” é usado para exemplificar.
A expressão Such as tem esse sentido.
Ja fiz a prova e está correta.
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