Patricia is very beautiful, young, and successful. She’s a famous actress.
She’s also lovely. Her house near the beach is big and beautiful, and her car is
very clean. Her fans love her, but is she happy?
Sandra says, “yeah, I’m young, beautiful and famous. People think rich people
are happy. That’s not always true! Sandra’s brother, Mike, is her manager. He
says: Sandra is only 18. She enjoys acting and entertaining people. But she’s
not happy. She doesn’t like being famous. “It’s true,” Sandra says. “I’m never
alone. Reporters are everywhere. Wherever I go, they’re there. They’re outside
my house all the time! That’s so annoying!
1- Coloque um título no texto e responda as questões em Inglês de acordo
com o texto
a- Cite 5 características da Patrícia.
b- Quais as profissões (PV) citadas no texto?
c- Quantos anos Sandra têm e porque ela não é tão feliz?
d- Qual é o nome do irmão de Sandra e qual é a profissão dele?
e- Escreva o assunto geral do texto.
f- Retire do texto uma frase no presente simples em Inglês e traduza-a.
g- No texto há vários adjetivos, escreva 4 adjetivos com as devidas traduções.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1- "Famous life"
a) she is beautiful, young, lovely and an actress
b) actress, manager, reporters
c) she is only eighteen and she isn't happy because she doesn't like her famous life, reporters are everywhere she goes and because of that, she can't be alone
d) her brother is mike, he is her manager
e) the main theme of the text is about how famous life is not easy
f) "She enjoys acting and entertaining people" tradução: "Ela gosta de atuar e de entreter as pessoas"
g) beautiful = bonita
rich = rico(a)
young = jovem
lovely = adorável
espero ter ajudado :)
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