Inglês, perguntado por danilooliveirap84nh7, 10 meses atrás

Past Tense - Irregular Verb Practice
A. Write the correct past tense for each of the following verbs
Ex. catch –
1. cut
11. shake ____________
2. dig
12. shoot ____________
3. cost
13. shut ____________
4. meet
14. sit ____________
5. read
15. sing ____________
6. ride
16. sleep ____________
7. run
17. speak ____________
8. see
18. spend ____________
9. sell
19. stand ____________
10. send
20. swim ____________
B. Word Scramble
Unscramble the following words. Then write the present tense of each verb beside the past irregular verb.
Scrambled word
Unscrambled Verb
Present Tense
Ex. etnw
1. meca
2. ganbe
3. dema
4. lbew
5. okbre
6. hocse
7. idd
8. krdan
9. tae
10. voedr
11. ghtaut
12. oltd
___________ ___________
13. woret
___________ ___________
14. wkoe
___________ ___________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por hbcenterplayp8dvv1
1-cot / shoke /- dag/-shot /cost/shut/met/sit/red/Sing/rode/sleept/ran/spoke/Saw/spend/sold/stend/send/swan.

2come/Begin/make/ ? /brake/curse/do/?/eat/?/?/Tell/? /wake.

ajudei o q sabia RS ...
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