Inglês, perguntado por riansantosmenezes555, 5 meses atrás

1. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple.
a) They collect cans.
bi u arrive late
last year.
c) She listen to music.
yesterday moming
last night.
d) He plays basketball.
two days ago
e) Does Mary carry an umbrella?
last night?
) Do they live alone?
three years ago?
a) Peter and Susan walk to school?
a week ago?
2. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.
a) The gang robbed the bank last night.
b) I danced a lot last Saturday.
c) Joan played chess yesterday evening.
d) You studied hard last weekend.
3. Pewnte the sentences in the interrogative form.
a) John carried Carol's bag.
b) I missed my friends
c) You arrived late last night.
d) He watched TV last evening.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por julianapierozan


1. (affirmative)

a) collected

b) arrived

c) listened

d) played

e) Did (marry) carry ...?

f) Did (they) live ... ?

a) g) Did (Peter and Susan) walk ... ?

2. (negative)

a) didn't rob

b) didn't dance

c) didn't play

d) didn't study

3. (interrogative)

a) Did John carry ... ?

b) Did I miss ... ?

c) Did you arrive ... ?

d) Did he watch ... ?


Para conjugar os verbos no Past Simple, você deverá observar a alteração que ocorre no próprio verbo na forma afirmativa somente. Nas formas negativa e interrogativa, faz-se o uso do auxiliar (didn't e did respectivamente), e o verbo em si volta à forma infinitiva.

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